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Australia Law Associations

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The listings in this category contain law associations in Australia, offering professional networking, support, and resources for legal professionals. These associations provide membership benefits, events, and continuing education. List your law association here to connect with legal professionals seeking networking opportunities in Australia.

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  • Australian Bar Association - A legal membership association that promotes and maintain the rule of law in Australia.
  • Australian Corporate Lawyers Association - Australian Corporate Lawyers Association (ACLA) is the peak body for Australian in-house lawyers.
  • Bar Association of Queensland - Plays a vital role in the administration of justice and in the functioning of the legal profession in Queensland and elsewhere.
  • Law Society of New South Wales - The Law Society plays a diverse role promoting and regulating the fair practise of law throughout NSW.
  • Law Society of WA - The Law Society of Western Australia is the professional association for Western Australian barristers and solicitors.
  • New South Wales Bar Association - A voluntary association of practising barristers.
  • Queensland Law Society - The Queensland Law Society (QLS) is the peak professional body for the state's solicitors. We lead a profession of more than 6000 members from throughout the state.
  • The Law Society of Tasmania - The Law Society of Tasmania has two major functions. The first function is that of regulator of the Legal Profession of the State of Tasmania.
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